
Beginner’s Guide to enjoying 3 Seasons on Moosehead Lake

October sunset

I was born and raised in the great state of Maine, and I believe that if you are lucky enough in this life, you will get to spend copious time on a lake in Maine. If you are really lucky, you will get to spend some of that time on Moosehead Lake.  This post is a tribute to my favorite lake region and some of the great camping and adventure spots to head to for a visit.moosehead-lake

Moosehead is Maine’s largest lake and offers some of the most scenic recreation in one region including water sports, hiking in the Hundred Mile Wilderness, Gulf Hagas and other area peaks in addition to skiing, snowmobiling, golfing and adventuring on dirt roads leading to the Katahdin region.

The best part is that you don’t have to have a camp on the lake to appreciate and love the region.  My love for the Moosehead region began several years ago when my family rented a cabin in February and continued from there as we spent long weekends in July, September and October at various campgrounds on Moosehead.

Mini Crew at Seboomook

We’ve got a great camping crew that is made up of some of my favorite people- My parents, my brother and his kids, my parent’s best friends (AKA my camping parents) and my camping parents kids and their grandkids, and some other friends.  It’s an extended camping family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  We are always looking for a new place to spend the weekend.  These are some of our adventures.

The Expanded Crew at Mud Brook- July 2016


Summer at Seboomook Wilderness Campground

Summer and Fall at Lily Bay State Park

Summer and Fall at Mud Brook, Lily Bay State Park

Winter at Beaver Cove Camps

Moosehead Region Adventures – to be continued….

Hiking in the Moosehead Lake Region: Featuring Mount Kineo, Little Spencer and Whitecap

Gulf Hagas

Skiing at Big Squaw Mountain

What is your favorite spot in the Moosehead Lake region?  Let us know!

Wishing you sun and blue skies!


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