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Winter Adventures in New England

Winter Adventures

by Amelia Qualters

I moved to Maine in the summer when the weather was just perfect. I crammed in as much outdoor activity as possible knowing it would come to an end sooner then I liked. At the same time I looked forward to my first Maine winter. It would be a new and exciting adventure for me! Everyone I met kept warning me about how long and cold the winters are, but I was ready to embrace it.

It is now going on March as I write this post and I can’t believe the number of adventures I went on! Most of my adventuring is with my boyfriend and our newly adopted coonhound, but we also met some pretty cool people along the way and got some great tips for winter hiking. These were some of the places we explored throughout Maine and New Hampshire.

New England 67

Along with all the exploring we have done since moving here in 2017, I’ve also decided to begin a personal photography project. I have always had a love for the outdoors and photography so I thought it would be a fun challenge to hike the New England 67 and document it with my camera. Also known as the NE67, these are the 67 mountains throughout New England with elevations of 4,000 ft or higher. I’ve never been around so many mountains coming from Pennsylvania so this was definitely something new and exciting that I wanted to do.

Landscape photography has been my passion, but I also wanted to challenge myself to do something a little different. That is where my NE 67 Portraits project came in. Along with finishing all the hikes myself, I am going to be photographing 67 black and white portraits of other adventurers who are doing the same. So far the portraits are going great! This all started in January of 2018 so this is still the very beginning.

Hiking 67 mountains will take some time and so will these portraits, but I can’t wait to accomplish such a big goal! In the end, I would like to have a book published as well as a gallery exhibit since this has always been a dream of mine. So if you are reading this and would like to be a part of my project, send me a message or connect with me on social media!


You can find me here:
Instagram: @ameliaqualters
Facebook: @AmeliaQualtersPhotography

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