Beginner’s Guide to planning the perfect Maine Road Trip – Lighthouses and more!

My sister came to visit! She surprised me for my birthday in August 2013. I took her on a great – yet brief – tour of the best of our region. We started off our adventure by dinner at Geaghan’s in Bangor Maine. After that, I took her on a great Maine Road Trip!

Her first full day, we went to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. The next day we took a road trip to Midcoast Maine – Belfast and Camden, Maine down Route 1. It was a blast.  For our afternoon in Bar Harbor – we did the Park Loop Road, and went to Cadillac Mountain, did the Great Head Trail off of Sand Beach, then to the Sand Bar for sunset. (be sure to watch for tides!) I would say that all of these are “can’t miss” tips for first time Acadia National Park visitors! For our next day, we took Route 1 down the MidCoast, ending at sunset at Owl’s Head Lighthouse in Owl’s Head Maine. Here’s a Google Map!


Need a tip on creating a custom Maine Road Trip? Send us a message at! We can put together an itinerary for you and even book your trip! Fill out our form in the “Partner with Us” tab above or find the form here –



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    Florida born, Maine living. Outdoor life is for me. I love adventures - hiking -photography - running - camping - reading - creating - learning - traveling - deep eddy vodka - cats and living, basically. Follow me on social - @DanielleDorrie

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