You are currently viewing Canoeing on Daicey Pond in Baxter State Park

Canoeing on Daicey Pond in Baxter State Park

Places to Canoe in Baxter State Park

After our adventures at Big and Little Niagara Falls, we wanted to take the canoes out at Daicey Pond! You can do so for a small donation – $1.00 per hour or $8.00 per day, and it’s a total honor system. We always give more – because it’s just worth it- and the views are completely priceless!

Daicey Pond is a great place for kids and adults. There is also a nature trail that goes around the lake. There are also outhouses available if you are in need 🙂 Day use parking is limited – the parking area services both the Falls and the Pond. You can only park at the cabins if you are staying there. We recommend checking out both at the same time.

Picture Yourself here - Daciey Pond, Baxter State Park
Picture Yourself here – Daciey Pond, Baxter State Park
A view of Katahdin on the way in
Canoe loading area
We had some good luck asking people to take our photo!

A view of Doubletop Mountain

A view of Doubletop Mountain on the drive out

You can also stay at Daicey – what a great view to wake up to! There are cabins on the grounds. For more info on this – go here!



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Daicey Pond, Baxter State Park, Canoeing in Baxter State Park

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    Florida born, Maine living. Outdoor life is for me. I love adventures - hiking -photography - running - camping - reading - creating - learning - traveling - deep eddy vodka - cats and living, basically. Follow me on social - @DanielleDorrie