Hiking in the Moosehead Lake Region
Borestone Mountain is a favorite for us! It’s quick and easy to get there from the Greater Bangor region, and the hike never fails to disappoint! We recommend you adding this to your hiking bucket list! Looking for other things to do when you’re in Moosehead? Call our friends at Destination Moosehead Lake!
For this run down, here’s how it started – It was a beautiful late spring day in April and I decided to tackle a mountain that had been on my list FORRR-EVVV-ERRR – Borestone Mountain! Borestone is a mountain it seems like everyone that has grown up in Maine has a story about, so it had been on my mind for years. We didn’t want to spend the whole day hiking, so Borestone was a perfect solution at 3.4 miles round trip. My friends who joined me are Lindsey who has recently become a hiking partner, (I met her on Katahdin and we became good friends soon thereafter) and my friend Ethan, who has his own YouTube channel – Ethan Out the Door!
Trail Stats:
Parking: There’s a parking lot at the trailhead! There ins’t bathroom access, so know before you go

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After a windy summit, we decided to head back down – it was still pretty early in the day so we were looking forward to relaxing at the lake and then heading back to town. There are some great restaurants in the area that we were looking forward to enjoying (The Stress Free Moose is mine! It’s about 25 min into town from the parking lot of Borestone Mountain, but worth the drive. You can read more about the Stress Free Moose in this post)
Borestone is a wildlife sanctuary, which I found particularly interesting. From the Maine Audubon Societies website –
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Download File: https://lovemaineadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Summit-video.mp4?_=1Wildlife & Habitat
Borestone Mountain Audubon Sanctuary is near the southern end of Maine’s “100-Mile Wilderness” forest. Uncut for more than a century, its forest is unlike much of the region’s spruce-fir and northern hardwood forest, which has been cut for timber every 50-70 years.
We didn’t see much for wildlife, however it’s a good excuse to take a trip back!
All Trails
Maine Audubon Society
Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit
Openworld Outfitters
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We appreciate your love and support! We look forward to bringing you many glorious adventures in the future. Want to support our channel? Check out our online store below or buy something using one of our links! - Lack of mature forest habitat in Maine makes Borestone a special sanctuary for wildlife. Goshawks wing through deciduous stands of trees to prey on grouse. Pine martens seek nesting red squirrels. Canada lynx, following snowshoe hare, leave tracks visible in snow. Raccoons, owls, woodpeckers, and other species nest in tree cavities.
- Particularly in early summer, birders can look for yellow- bellied sapsucker, red-breasted nuthatch, boreal chickadee, several vireos, winter wren, hermit thrush, white-throated sparrow, and eight to ten warbler species (including Blackburnian, Cape May, and bay-breasted).
- Common ravens and turkey vultures regularly soar above the mountain’s exposed granite summit, while peregrine falcons appear along the cliff faces.
- Borestone’s three clear and deep, spring-fed alpine ponds are fishless, offering unique habitat for invertebrates and amphibians, including beavers and the dragonflies that eat mosquitos and black flies. Although fish-eating birds are uncommon at the ponds, Borestone visitors sometimes hear loons calling from nearby Lake Onawa.
- Visitors also can see and hear bullfrogs, leopard frogs, gray tree frogs, and red-spotted newts.
- Lining Borestone’s trails are blueberry and hobble bushes, as well as wildflowers ranging from earlyblooming dog-tooth violet to late-flowering whitewood aster. Mushrooms proliferate in early fall. A variety of mosses and lichens grow in wet areas and on rocks throughout the sanctuary.