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Beginner’s Guide to Winter Hikes in Acadia National Park

Where to hike in Acadia National Park in the Winter

We are so lucky to live so close to a beautiful National Park – the only one in the North East! Acadia National Park is a popular tourist destination in the summer which is why we like to take full advantage in the winter. As you know, Willow and I hike in all seasons. There’s a saying we stand by – there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear. Looking for more info on what you need to pack for cold weather? Check out our tips here for going out on cold winter hikes. Here we bring you some of our favorite accesible Winter Hikes in Acadia National Park.

Not all of these were done in the winter months, it might have crept into Spring, but they are all accessible when the Park Loop road is closed. Please use caution when hiking in the winter and don’t leave home without extra layers and your microspikes or traction, as ice is around every corner.

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How to Access Acadia National Park in the Winter

There are a few access points for Acadia National Park in the winter! According the Acadia National Park Services website – 

Although most of Park Loop Road is closed in winter, two sections remain open, Ocean Drive and Jordan Pond Road. Scenic areas of Acadia are also visible and accessible from public roads that travel through and along the park.

Ocean Drive: scenic, one-way portion of Park Loop Road is accessible from Schooner Head Road, one-mile (1.6 km) south of downtown Bar Harbor on Route 3, and stretches for 2 miles (3.2 km) along the coast. Stay in the right lane, as snowmobiles are permitted to use the unplowed left lane. Exit Ocean Drive via Otter Cliff Road to Route 3.

Jordan Pond Road: two-way and accessible just north of Seal Harbor. Follow the Jordan Pond Road to Park Loop Road, which is plowed to the Jordon Pond House Restaurant parking areas.

Sargeant Drive to Northeast Harbor and Route 102A to Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse also offer scenic winter views of Acadia and Mount Desert Island.

how to access acadia national park in the winter

If you’re not able to locate Jordan Pond Road, try putting the Mount Desert Fire Department address in your GPS! 

What you need to go hiking in Acadia National Park in the winter

According to the National Park Service, please heed the following warnings –

“Acadia’s trails can become icy and snowpacked in winter. Be prepared for unfavorable conditions and early darkness.

  • Ice grippers, cleats, and traction footware can have little effect on slick, underlying granite surfaces. (DD AND WILLOW NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT KAHTOOLA MICROSPIKES
  • Trekking poles are highly encouraged.
  • Hiking trails that are steep and challenging in summer tend to be ill-advised in fall and winter. 

You’ll also need different gear for hiking in the winter! Want to learn more? Read our Beginner’s Guide to Cold Weather Hiking! 

Our Favorite Winter hikes in Acadia National Park

Cadillac Mountain

hiking Cadillac Mountain in the winter

You can access the North Ridge Trail on Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park via the Kebo Brook Trail. You’ll want to park off 233 – Echo Lake Road. You’ll park at the park entrance and walk across the bridge to the trailhead!

Champlain Mountain

Champlain Mountain in the winter - Acadia National Park

You can access the Beachcroft Trail on Champlain Mountain if you park at Sieur de Monts, off of Route 3 in Acadia National Park. 

Pemetic Mountain

Summit of Pemetic Mountain in the winter - Acadia National Park

To get to Pemetic Mountain trailhead, you’ll want to park in the Jordan Pond Parking area, then road walk on the Park Loop Road to the Pemetic Mountain trailhead. 

Sargent Mountain

hiking Sargent Mountain in winter Acadia National Park

You can access the South Ridge Trailhead off of Route 3. 

Penobscot Mountain

Penobscot Mountain summit in Acadia National Park winter hike

In order to access Penobscot Mountain in the winter, you’ll need to park at the Jordan Pond House, and walk around the building and onto the path to pick up the Spring trail.  Don’t park at Jordan Pond Parking, park at the actual Jordan Pond House parking lot. 

The Bubbles

You can park at the Jordan Pond parking area and take the Jordan Pond loop to the trailhead. 

Acadia Mountain via Man of War Trail

Acadia Mountain in winter Acadia National Park

You can access the Acadia Mountain trailhead off of State Route 102, where you’ll find parking. 

Acadia Mountain and Saint Sauvuer Loop

You’ll access the Acadia Mountain trailhead off 102 and do the loop trail! You’ll park and cross the street to find the trailhead.

Mansell Mountain

You can hike the Perpendicular Trail up Mansell Mountain! You can access the Perpendicular Trail from Long Pond. You’ll take the Long Pond trailhead. 

Dorr Mountain

Dorr Mountain, Acadia National park, Winter

You’ll want to park at the Sieur de Monts Nature Center, which is closed for the season. From there, you can pick up the Emery Path. 

We hope you enjoy your winter hikes in Acadia National Park! Like this post? Share it with someone! And don’t forget to use #LoveMaineAdventures when posting on social media so we can see your adventures! 

Happy Trails, 



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    Florida born, Maine living. Outdoor life is for me. I love adventures - hiking -photography - running - camping - reading - creating - learning - traveling - deep eddy vodka - cats and living, basically. Follow me on social - @DanielleDorrie