I met up with the Northwoods Wellness Collective in March 2018 to check out the Cross Country trails at Big Squaw Mountain for what was planned to be a cross-country skiing and snowshoeing trek! We hit it right in between storms, so the snow levels were very low, and we didn’t end up needing snowshoes, but some of our group had cross country skiis, so they got to bust those out! The cross-country trails at Big Squaw are gorgeous and dog-friendly! The cross country ski trails are for use with the suggested donation of $3.00-$5.00. There is a locked money box at the kiosk, along with a map of the trails. Also if you are a geocacher – spoiler alert – there’s a geo cache right there!
There are some REALLY COOL farmhouses right off the beginning of the trail. Of course we took a selfie with them.
From the Big Squaw Mountain website –
Our 5 miles of groomed cross country ski / snow shoe trails are open to the public by donation. The trail head is marked with a kiosk across from the parking lot. Our clearly marked trails are home to natural wildlife, scenic views, and living history that we at Squaw Mountain truly cherish. Our trails are maintained primary by volunteers and groomed on a weekly basis, pending snow conditions. Cross Country ski trails are open to the public all winter and are for use at your personal leisure. Ski Patrol does not patrol, so please use caution and do not exceed your ability. Trails are NOT for use by snowmobiles or motor vehicles. These trails are important to our community so please respect the trails, other patrons, the wildlife and their habitat.

Selfies with Angie from the Moosehead Chamber and Samm from the Northwoods Wellness Collective! and of course, me and my camera.
As you can see, some of the trail was not so snowy, and we got a little spoiled. Samm followed me into some powder, because I always take the most difficult way possible, and I post-holed my way through. It was pretty funny and pretty typical for me.
We hit a nice stream on the tail end of the trail, where we took a break and brainstormed about some future adventures.
If you’re not following the Northwoods Wellness Collective on Facebook, click the link and make sure to hit “See First” in your newsfeed so you can keep up with the meetups!! I’m planning to join as much as possible, so you’ll likely know at least one person. It’s a great opportunity to get out and explore and meet some AWESOME new people! You can read more about my other adventure with the gang on Mount Kineo here!
Samm fills us in on where we are. Without Willow to guide me I just show up places and hope for the best.
I do know that we made it back to the lodge at Big Squaw Mountain, where we had a beer and socialized before dinner at the Northwoods Gourmet Girl!
A few #hikinghacks from this trip –
I’ve slowly built up my arsenal of winter gear, but it’s taken me a few years. I still don’t have cross country skis, so it was great to learn that I could rent some at Northwoods Outfitters
As always, I had my trusty Kahtoola MICROspikes with me – who have a 2 year warranty, if you didn’t know. My original pair tore recently, and I was able to exchange them with no trouble at all!
We got totally buried this past week here in Maine, so there’s plenty of snow to explore as of today! You can check out my most recent skiing experience on our YouTube Channel
I hope you enjoyed our adventure! I highly highly HIGHLY encourage you to check out the Northwoods Wellness Collective and the Moosehead Lake Region. I’m falling madly in love with the area and everything it has to offer. Leading hikes is not something Willow and I plan to do – we’re more in the “discover cool things and tell you all about them” market – so if you’re looking to get out there with a group, the Northwoods Wellness Collective is your JAM. OH! and they coordinate all sort of cool experiences too, that are not just outdoor adventures. We went on a foodie adventure after this – you can read more here.
to follow us all on IG – you know #lovemaineadventures – add #mooseheadlikealocal and #mymoosehead into your mix – and to see more of Samm’s adventures – #northwoodswellnesscollective #ournorthwoodslife
Happy trails!!!!!
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Loved this! We had such a great time!! Can’t wait to adventure with you more DD!!