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Kebo Mountain

Kebo Mountain Loop

The Loop Trail on Kebo Mountain in Acadia National Park is a great easy hike with lots of things to see! This hike has low elevation gain, making it a pleasure to walk. There are a lot of features on this trail – running water, small trees, cut offs with views, boulder fields, granite paths and so much more.

Getting to the Trailhead for Kebo Mountain

Parking for the Kebo Mountain Loop

We parked at the Kebo Valley Golf Course. We accesses this trail during December of 2020, when the Park Loop Road is closed. You can also access this trail from the Park Loop Road, or by parking at the Sieur de Monts Parking Area (take the Hemlock Path)

Trail Stats for the Kebo Mountain Loop

Elevation gain – 448 feet

Trails – Kebo Brook Trail -> Kebo Mountain Trail – > Hemlock Trail -> Stratheden Path – > Kebo Brook Trail

Dogs: Yes

Kids: Yes

Stratheden Path back to the Kebo Golf Course
Stairs on Kebo Mountain in Acadia National Park
Kebo Mountain Summit Sign in Acadia National Park
Kebo Mountain trail
Kebo Mountain trail with sun
Kebo Mountain Viewpoint with bench
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    Florida born, Maine living. Outdoor life is for me. I love adventures - hiking -photography - running - camping - reading - creating - learning - traveling - deep eddy vodka - cats and living, basically. Follow me on social - @DanielleDorrie