You are currently viewing Cadillac Mountain Traverse

Cadillac Mountain Traverse

Acadia National Park

Our squad decided we were up for a traverse across Cadillac Mountain on a balmy winter day that felt like Spring. it was about 40 degrees and not so windy. It wasn’t long to get to/from the cars. I’d recommend this Cadillac Mountain Traverse  to for moderate and advanced hikers. Great views and scenery!

Trail Stats –

Parking: We did a traverse, so we parked two cars. One at Sieur de Monts, and one at the South Ridge Cadillac trailhead.

Distance: 5.6 miles

Elevation Gain:1,677 ft.

Trails: Cadillac South Ridge start to North Ridge, Road Walk, Gorge Path, Hemlock Trail, Stratheden Path, finally ending at Sieur Du Monts where we had parked a car.

Ranking: Intermediate

Kids: Experienced

Dogs: If they like to walk!


I had to get in the photo somehow 🙂


Lunch at top of Cadillac Mountain with not a soul in site. I highly recommend it.


A  little should out to my Cairn box subscription, which helps me on many adventures.


celebratory beers at Finns, in Ellsworth. And Scotch Eggs. Slainte!

And that one’s in the books! We had a great time on our Cadillac Mountain Traverse. It was a perfect length with amazing views. I’d recommend this in all seasons!

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    Florida born, Maine living. Outdoor life is for me. I love adventures - hiking -photography - running - camping - reading - creating - learning - traveling - deep eddy vodka - cats and living, basically. Follow me on social - @DanielleDorrie